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Understanding Singapore Government Securities (SGS)

SGS are debt instruments issued and fully backed by the Singapore government. Three types are available to retail investors:

  • Treasury Bills
  • SGS Bonds
  • Singapore Savings Bonds


Treasury Bills (T-bills)

Treasury Bills (T-bills)

These are short-term SGS issued at a discount to their face value. You will receive the full face value at maturity. The Government issues 6-month and 1-year T-bills.

SGS Bonds

SGS Bonds

These pay a fixed interest rate and have maturities ranging from two to 50 years. They fall into three categories: SGS (Market Development), SGS (Infrastructure), Green SGS (Infrastructure).

Singapore Savings Bonds (SSBs)

Singapore Savings Bonds (SSBs)

These are issued monthly and pay fixed coupons that increase the longer you hold the bond for.

Things you should know

How to apply for SGS bonds/ T-bills

Step 1: Log in to UOB Personal Internet Banking, tap on ‘Investment’, followed by ‘IPO/ Bonds/ Tbills’.
Step 2: Select from a list of securities, then click ‘Action’ and choose your payment method.
Step 3: Fill up the application and click ‘Submit’.
Step 4: Review your application and tap on ‘Confirm’.

  • You must be at least 18 years old and not an undischarged bankrupt.
  • A minimum investment amount of S$500 for Singapore Savings Bonds and S$1,000 for Treasury Bills and Singapore Government Securities Bonds.
  • You need to open a Central Depository (CDP) Securities Account.
  • Funds from Central Provident Fund (CPF) and Supplementary retirement Scheme (SRS) account can be used to purchase Government bonds and Treasury bills. In order to transact, you need to open a CPF Investment Account / SRS Account with UOB or any other agent bank.
  • You may either transact SGS on a secondary market through us directly, or tender for new and re-opened SGS issues through our Automated Teller Machines (ATM).
  • Foreigners are also eligible to apply.
  • To view a detailed comparison of T-bills, SGS Bonds, and SSBs, visit MAS’ website here.
  • To view MAS issuance calendar, click here.

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More Information

For a no-obligation consultation today, please call our 24-hour toll-free number at 1800 222 2121


Terms and Conditions

Click here to download the Consolidated Terms for Sale and Purchase of Singapore Government Securities (SGS)

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